What is document automation?

Automation describes a wide range of technologies that reduce human intervention in processes, which saves a lot of time in operational tasks, archiving, searching, etc. When automated, the whole process is accelerated and becomes a more productive task with minimal or no error rate.

What are the benefits?

1.- Time saving

  • More work in the same amount of time as we avoid manual processes.
  • Greater speed for document management.

2.- Availability or mobility

  • Allows the activity to continue remotely without losing efficiency or productivity.
  • Accessibility to data from anywhere.

3.- Eliminates human error

  • The possibilities of human error can be eliminated by having a good automation system.

4.- Cost reduction.

  • Reduction of personnel cost as it makes us more productive.
  • By reducing or eliminating human error, we reduce the cost of time to solve problems and incidents.

5.- Data security.

  • It avoids the loss of documentation.
  • Avoids errors in data records.

6.- Improves the quality of company management.

  • We can dedicate time to other tasks of greater value.
  • Better customer service.
  • Concentrate on the product/service offer.

7.- Reliability.

  • We gain credibility with our customers by reducing errors and having better control of documentation.
  • In short, automation helps us to ensure that our customers constantly receive the benefit of all our resources and allows us to provide them with better and higher quality service.

How do we work with automation at Pick & Pack?

At Pick & Pack, we work to be fully integrated with our customers in the automatic exchange of documents. We have continuous improvement projects to incorporate new technology and developments to our daily document management, which means better quality, security and great time savings for our customers.

We have totally eliminated errors thanks to all the development and integration of these processes, making our clients trust in our work. We want them to feel that they are working with an up-to-date partner who does not hesitate to invest in automation for the evolution of our alliance.